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About This Project


Elios Fund, a significant player in the solar energy sector, operates with multi-million dollar funding under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) model. Their mission is to facilitate accessible funding for solar energy projects. Elios leverages direct funding supported by investor capital, offering various financial solutions like loans, leases, or PPA agreements.

The project focused on creating a dedicated consumer management platform for Elios, enabling their team to efficiently process applicant intakes, manage applications, and conduct credit checks. This platform is encapsulated in a custom, white-label web application, designed for optimal user experience and functionality. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with Elios’ existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, ensuring uniform data consolidation across all operations.

A key feature of the Elios Fund app is its capability to handle first-party Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers, streamlining the process for customers to pay their solar utility bills. This functionality is realized through a strategic partnership with Plaid, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly banking integration for customers, further enhancing the overall service efficiency of Elios Fund.

Project Details

Technologies Used

  • Language: PHP
  • Framework: Laravel, Livewire, Filament
  • Tools: Docker Compose, Github Actions, Laravel Pint, PHPStan, Composer, Vite, Alpine.js, Jetstream, Volt, Horizon, Telescope, Pulse
  • Style: TailwindCSS
  • Deployment: Laravel Vapor, AWS, Cloudflare
  • Other: MySQL, Redis, Sentry, S3, Lambda, SES, SNS, SQS, EFS, Plaid
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